Sometimes it just does, you know?
Now, let me remind everyone before I begin this... this blog is about encouraging YOU to see yourself as an artist... maybe even and ARTIST... all capitals. And, it's meant to be very, very "real". Sometimes that includes not so nice words and some uglier sort of thoughts... and even every now and again some whining...
There's whining ahead, so bear with me, I'll be better once I have the wine after the whine.
In 2009 I gave myself ACreativeDream for a birthday present. I'm not sure why, other than I REALLY like to share what I know. I love to teach, to encourage, and to inspire. What can I say, I have an ego. I admit it, I want to be able to talk, or in this instance, write, and actually have people listen (read). I want to have an impact.
I don't think I am achieving that goal.
Somehow this has turned into that whole ugly dieting sort of thing,you know, the going in circles feeling unfulfilled and like you are not winning the battle. It goes like this... I feel like I am failing at a goal that is important to me... so I work harder, try harder, encourage more... get fewer readers. Look at other blogs, wonder what I am doing wrong... look at the work of others, wonder why they can get "discovered" while I keep trudging and trudging and never getting noticed. Feel sad that I am not reaching what I want to reach... try harder, fall farther... feel like my time and emotional investment in it isn't working... start wondering why I bother. Lose the desire to create and share, because what's the point, it's not like the readers are coming in droves and I'm sure not being discovered...
It's ugly, isn't it? Yet that is my (perceived) reality. At least for the moment. Now, don't get me wrong, while I feel this way right now, in a week things may well be totally different. But, geeze... some days...
I live in this beautiful old duplex, next door to someone who is absolutely horrible... every breath I take just pisses her off. She really should live in a single home, all to herself where she cannot hear someone walking up the stairs or vacuuming. Yet, she lives next door and seems to find great joy in making me as miserable as is possible. The landlord ONLY does maintenance when it is an absolute necessity... like when the water lines burst. It's time to move. But the whole administrative fees, deposits, pet deposits, pet fees, moving utilities, hiring someone to move the big stuff... just not in my paltry budget right now.
Daily visits with my father... making sure he has clothes, cokes, peanut butter fudge, making sure the staff knows he needs his eyes checked, or that he tells me he isn't feeling well (he never complains, so if he says something, he really doesn't feel well), and just someone who spends time with him, who asks him about where he was stationed in the service, what my great grandmother was like, what he loved to do when he was young... you know to remind him that he's important to someone... even if it is the black sheep daughter he disowned years ago... we all want to feel important to someone... Of course, after more than two years there, I have come to know lots of the folks...and I try to spend time on the weekends listening to all of the little ladies whom I have grown to love as if they were my grandmothers as well.
Each and every day I arrive at work at 6:45 and bust my ass to try to catch things up until 4:30 in the afternoon, only to feel like I am more and more behind...
And, from time to time I try really hard to create something for someone that they will love, or at least appreciate... although, of late, I've been sort of short in that as well.
I know that I have a good life, I know it's no where bad as so many do... but, obviously, my life is thoroughly out of balance with my goals/desires/wishes/dreams right now. Sometimes I wonder, as I lie awake in the wee early morning hours of insomnia, arm wrestling with my demons, how much of me can I hand out before the well runs dry? How do I replenish... recoup... refill that well? How do I regain my confidence? How do I regain the sense that what I do is important... that it matters? How do I ever feel as though I make a difference?
I'm not good about allowing my vulnerabilities to show. I'm certainly not good at sharing my fears and insecurities. I'm very protective of them and try to not show them to people. Too often when I have it's caused me pain. Of course when that happens, it causes me to build walls around myself so that I may feel more secure... I can hide better that way, protect my fear better. But, those walls also may hinder the view. Not only my view, but the view of me for others.
Part of the process of being an artist, heck, of being human, is recognizing that there are going to be times where you feel far more disparaged than encouraged. And it's important to recognize that, while it sucks, "this too, shall pass"... and it's important that, if I want to truly encourage others, others have to see that I have "those" times too. And, to be honest, it's important that I learn to allow myself to be more vulnerable... to show and be my authentic self, warts, demons and all... otherwise those walls will be too tall and I will have locked myself in them, a prisoner of my own fears, real or imagined, with only the demons to entertain me.
Of course, in the mean time, if any of you have any suggestions about replenishing that well, or reaching goals... I'd love to hear them.
Nature does that for me June. And you would be amazed how often i forget that. I'am no where near stretched as thin as you are. The demands on me and my time are downright tiny compared to you. But i suffer from terrible, terrible insecurities. Truly God bless my husband.....and anyone close to me, there aren't many but they have to have the patience of a saint.
My time with the WILD is very limited. One day i hope to live where it is right outside my back door. But for now i do what i can. Someone asks me what do you want to do this weekend..i say HIKING almost before they finish the question. I know i need it... i need to fill up on it... the quiet the solitude , to be surrounded with LIFE...
......and then theres can pretty much bring me out of any funk i'm in. Especially 80's music...
I've been throwing my art out there occasionally. All the submission stuff just seems totally overwhelming.....Seems like alot of places want your art but don'w want to pay you for it. Or worse you have to pay them and that doesn't even guarantee you a spot in the magazine or whatever. I'm frustrated....
Alot of what you said resonates with me June....vulnerabilities, insecurities...walls and hiding...'this too shall pass' has gotten me thru alot of things in my life....Hugs! deb
Well, this is a sad post. That is my first reaction. I was just telling Deb...yep, we talk about you, that you must be really busy since you haven't posted.
Your post almost...just almost..makes me feel guilty. Why? Because I don't make the kind of art you do and don't really have any desire to paint and I can't draw for crap. BUT, you do inspire me to do what I (double capital I) love to do which is needlework of any kind and sewing. Your 4F Challenge has inspired me to learn something new...took a knitting class and a needle punch class and I'm making hexies from my scraps.
It's easy to let different areas of our life blur into each other. Feelings of being unappreciated and our crappy neighbors zap our strength and roadblock our goals and creativity. It seems to be in the air right now. Perhaps its the long winter.
I have no healing suggestions. I know that Deb is right. Being in nature and lettting it's power flow through you will at least lift your spirit.
I can't help but think that success in being recognized for your art has everything to do with schmoozing.
I have a beading friend...Christina
I've known her for 10 years. She started selling on Etsy..then sold patterns and got a web site but she didn't take off until a few years ago when she moved to Colorado and started attending all the bead shows and becoming personal friends with all the very well known beaders. Seems like that gave her the leg us she needed.
I don't know the answer to your questions, but I know that what you create is very good and your tutorials are extremely easy to follow and I really hope you figure it out.
xx, Carol
Hi. My name is Wally the Swamp Rat (Betsi) and I am not sure if it is because I am going blind, just not the brightest bulb on the string or about as smart as a box of rocks, but I can not read your posts because of all the beautiful colors behind them and I really want to. Is there some trick that I am missing? I tried to read it and I just can't. I even had trouble trying to find a place to post. Please let me know at If you answer on your blog......I wil not be able to read it.......
Thanks in advance
June , thanks for sharing this part of yourself. We all have our ups and downs. As women we can support each other. I can totally relate to negative people zapping your energy. It's even worse when you are just trying to deal with your everyday life. Listening to you you sound like you fall into the nurturer category . Nurturing others can zap our energy if we don't take time to replenish. I like to do Deepak Chopras guided meditations. He offers free 21 day meditation challenges. I'm finishing an excellent one up now. I actually have my daughter doing this with me because she's finishing up her last year in high school and planning for college . This has been very stressful for all of us. If you google him you can catch the tail end and try it out. You have nothing to lose. I find when I keep meditation in my life it helps balance and calm me. It is a gift only you can give yourself and you deserve it. I have been there,raising a family , as I lost my Mom to Alzheimer's . I have my dad living with me now and at 84 he's doing good so I am very lucky. It's been a rough winter, artistically and personally. I too have been in a funk. I'm hoping brighter days and warmer weather will bring better days, I hope they bring them for you too! Hang in there and nurture yourself. I'm happy I found your blog ! I love your art and energy!
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